Citizens bank opera house seat map
Citizens bank opera house seat map

Theaters and other cultural institutions in Hungary are reeling from exponentially growing energy prices, and some plan to close for the winter to avoid the skyrocketing bills. Bela Szandelszky/AP Show More Show Less 3 of7 Shadow of a technician is seen on the stage of the Trafo House of Contemporary Arts while others set up the lightings in Budapest, Hungary, Sept. The Erkel Theatre in the capital of Budapest will close in November after its utilities went up as much as tenfold, and local governments across the country have ordered theaters, cinemas and museums to shut down during the cold months. Bela Szandelszky/AP Show More Show Less 2 of7 A technician sets up the lighting of the stage of the Trafo House of Contemporary Arts in Budapest, Hungary Sept. 1 of7 A shadow is cast on the stage of the Trafo House of Contemporary Arts while technicians set up the lighting in Budapest, Hungary, Sept.

Citizens bank opera house seat map